Course Descriptions
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
MMD101 Introduction to Shipping (3,0,0) 3 4 Compulsory
Introduction, Overview of the Transport System and Shipping Industry. Function of shipping and Its relationship to international trade, Maritime trade and international sales contract, Key component of shipping industry; types of ship, Terminology of measurements including Ship’s dimensions and capacities; tonnages, cubic capacities, TEUs.  Type of cargo and transportation services, Ship registration and identity, Purpose and Benefits of Registration, Ship Classification, The role and functions of classification societies. Classification societies registers. Flag State :Ship’s Flag State, Types of Ship Register Duties of flag State, Enforcement by flag States. Ship Certificates and documents.The Ship’s Employment :Modes of ship employment.
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
SEA101 Seamenship I (2,2,0) 3 4 Compulsory
Introduction to seamenship, nautical terms and concepts, history of shipping, parts of the ship and related terms, terms related to the use of the ship, terms related to position or direction, structures and tools used in seamensip, auxiliary materials, speed, length, tonnage measurements used at sea, ship types , general classification of ships, operating types and characteristics of merchant ships, ship steering gear, propeller gear, propeller types, engine room and sections, deck equipment, parts and equipment of a mast, booms, cranes, deck structures, mooring techniques and methods, bow and aft forecastle equipment.
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
MTH171 Mathematics for Business and Economics I (3,0,0) 3 6 Compulsory
Equations and Inequalities and their applications, Functions and graphs, Lines, Parabolas and systems and their applications, Exponential and Logarithmic functions, Mathematics of finance.
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
EAS101 Introduction to Economics: Microeconomics (3,0,0) 3 6 Compulsory
Introduction. The Scope and Method of Economics. The Economic Problem: Scarcity and Choice. Demand, Supply, and Market Equilibrium. Demand and Supply Applications, Elasticity. Household Behavior and Consumer Choice. The Production Process. Costs Functions and Output Decisions. General Equilibrium. Monopoly. Oligopoly. Monopolistic Competition. Externalities, Public Goods, and Social Choice. Uncertainty and Asymmetric Information.
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Core/Elective Course
EAS103 Introduction to Business (3,0,0) 3 6 Compulsory
This course is designed to provide the necessary foundation to students in business by covering its fundamental areas, including economics, the international scope of business, entrepreneurship, business ethics, organizational structure, and human resources management.
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Core/Elective Course
CMP151 Introduction to Computers (3,0,0) 3 4 Compulsory
Basic concepts of information technologies, software and hardware, operating systems in general, word processing programs, spreadsheet programs, data presentation, internet use in education, the effects of information technologies on social structure and its place in education, information systems security and related ethical concepts.
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
AIT101 Atatürk’s Principles and  History of Turkish Revolution I (2,0,0) 2 2 Compulsory
The reasons that prepared the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Revolution. Disintegration of the Ottoman Empire, Tripoli War, Balkan Wars, First World War. Armistice of Mudros. The situation of the country in the face of the occupations and the reaction of Mustafa Kemal Pasha, the departure of Mustafa Kemal Pasha to Samsun. The opening of the Turkish Grand National Assembly of the National Struggle. Treaty of sevr. The Lausanne Peace Treaty. Atatürk’s Principles: Republicanism, Nationalism. Populism, Statism. Secularism, Revolutionism.
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
AIT103 History I for International Students (2,0,0) 2 2 Compulsory
Origins and rise of Ottoman Empire, Ottoman Administrative System, Ottoman Society, Law and Education, Revolts and Reform Attempts in Ottoman Empire, Reforms Through 19th Century, Military and Administrative Reforms, Reign of Abdülhamid II, Young Ottomans and Ottomanism, First Constitutional Era, Second Constitutional Era, Political Struggle for Power, The Ideologıcal Debates: 1913-1918, Ottoman Empire and Fırst World War I.
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
ENG101 English I (3,0,0) 3 4 Compulsory
Talking about biographies, asking and answering about general knowledge, talking about past events, talking about technology in the future, asking for permission/making a request, formal phone conversations, informal phone conversations, making an appointment, talking about products, checking understanding/ asking for clarification.
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
TUR101 Turkish I: Written Expression (2,0,0) 2 2 Compulsory
Reading passages related to the chapter; grammar studies; vocabulary and translation activities; listening activities; debates on current issues related to the department (Repetition of tenses, Internet history, Health and medicine, passive frameworks, Social issues, Environmental issues, Repetition of modals, Law and punishment, repetition of adjective phrases, Language and Literature, Repetition of noun phrases.
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
YIT103 Turkish I for International Students (2,0,0) 2 2 Compulsory
The Turkish Alphabet and how Phonetics is in Turkish Alphabet, how nouns are made plural in Turkish, how to form yes-no questions, how to form sentences with “there is/there are, possessives in Turkish, how to use personal pronouns, numbers and asking questions related to numbers, how to use noun states in Turkish, where and how to use present continuous tense and simple present tense.
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
MMD104 Shipping and Maritime Georaphy (3,2,0) 4 4 Compulsory
Introduction to Maritime Geography. Different Modes of Cargo Transportation, Man made Canals and Waterways, and Analysing the effects on the cost of transportation and the Environment. Sea trading restrictions. Storms, Tides, Currents, Icebergs, Ice, Fogs, Beaufort scale, Douglas sea scale. Seasonal zones. Major canals, Delivery – redelivery points., Main dry cargo sources areas. Main liquid cargo sources areas.
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
MTH172 Mathematics for Business and Economics II (3,0,0) 3 6 Compulsory
Matrices, Matrix Algebra, and Special Types of Matrices, Transpose of a Matrix, Determinant, and Inverse, Systems of Linear Equations, Crammer’s Rule, and Row Echelon Form, Functions, Limits, and Continuity, Solving Problems, Derivative and Chain Rule, Product Rule, and Quotient Rule, Applications, Integration, Applications, Solving Problems.
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
EAS102 Macro Economics (3,0,0) 3 6 Compulsory
Main concepts and economic tools. National income accounting, economic growth, aggregate demand and its components, macroeconomic problems such as unemployment and inflation, the role of government, and the banking system are examined.
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
EAS104 Principles of Management (3,0,0) 3 6 Compulsory
Introduction to Management, Managers and Organization. Historical Roots of Management Practices. Human Resources Approach and its Effects on Management. Systems Approach and its Effects on Management. Contingency Approach and its Effects on Management. Applications of Managerial Approaches. Management Environment. Globalization and its Effects. Planning. Strategic Management. Organizational Design. Leading.
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
PED102 Phisical Education (0,2,0) 1 2 Compulsory
Implementation of sports activities to improve physical competence.Transferring physical activities with programs suitable for sea conditions.The importance of leadership functions in sports activities.
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
CMP152 Computing Application (3,0,0) 3 6 Compulsory
This course provides an overview of information systems. Topics include hardware and software fundamentals, use of software packages, effective use of networks, Internet, and other communication tools, the design of management information systems, as well as the ethical use of computers in business and society.
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
AIT102 Ataturk’s Principles and History of Turkish Rev. II (2,0,0) 2 2 Compulsory
Abolition of the Sultanate; Proclamation of the Republic; Taking the Election Decision in the First Parliament; Establishment of the People’s Party; Ankara Becoming the Capital, Proclamation of the Republic and Reactions; Abolition of the Caliphate (The Emergence of the Problem of the Caliphate and the Events Preparing the Abolition of the Caliphate), Progressive Republican Party and Sheikh Said Rebellion; Law of Takrir-i Sukun; Closing the Progressive Republican Party; İzmir Assassination Attempt), Free Republican Party and Menemen Incident; An Overview of Atatürk-Inönü Separation, Revolutions and Their Goals; Revolutions in Law; 1924 Organization-ı Esasiye Law; Adoption of the Turkish Civil Code; Adoption of Other Basic Laws; Revolutions in Women’s Rights, Education and Culture; The Law of Unification of Education; Adoption of the New Turkish Alphabet; New Understanding of History and Language; From Darülfünun to Istanbul University; Fine Arts, Developments in Economics; Late Ottoman Economy; Turkish Economy Congress and Its Results; Economic Activities in the First Years of the Republic; Transition to the Practice of Statism, Revolutions Made in Social Life (Modernization in Clothing: The Law on Wearing Hats; Closure of Lodges, Zawiyas and Tombs, Adoption of International Time, Calendar, Numbers, Measurements and Week Holidays; Adoption of the Law on Surnames; Developments), Turkey’s Foreign Policy in Atatürk Era; Years 1919-1923; Years 1923-1930, Going to the Second World War and Turkish Foreign Policy 1931-1939, Principles of Atatürk; General Overview of Atatürk’s Principles; Republicanism, Nationalism, Populism, Statism, Secularism, Revolutionism, İsmet İnönü Period (1938-1950); Domestic Policy During the Second World War; Establishment of the Democratic Party, Democratic Party Period (1950-1960); May 27 Military Intervention and National Unity Committee
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
AIT104 History II for International Students) (2,0,0) 2 2 Compulsory
The Aarmistice of Moundros and Its Aftermath, The National Resistance Movement and Mustafa Kemal Pasha, The Great National Assembly and the Treaty of Sevres, Great Offensive, Treaty of Lausanne and Sheikh Sait Rebellion, Declaration Of The Turkish Republic, The Major Periods in the Political History of Turkey I, The Major Periods in the Political History of Turkey II, Women and Nationbuilding in the early Turkish Republic I, Women and Nationbuilding in the early Turkish Republic II.
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
ENG102 English II (3,0,0) 3 4 Compulsory
Health matters, restaurant problems-complaints and responses, talking about computer problems, reporting the news and the weather, product problems- complaints at the store, talking about the future possibilities, health problems and herbs, job qualifications and working conditions.
Ders Kodu Ders Adı (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
MMD201 Ship Management (3,0,0) 3 4 Compulsory
The Shipping company, Historical development of Ship management, The External Environment of Shipping Companies, The Process of the Shipping Company, The Organization of the Shipping Company, Contextual Factors of Organisational Structure, Departmentalisation in Shipping Company, Human Resources Management in Shipping Companies, Technical Management / Crew management/, Operational Management/Commercial management, Safety Management: International Safety Management Code, Ship management Contract /: BIMCO Shipman98,  Shipman2009, Outsourcing of Shipping Management
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Core/Elective Course
MMD207 Liner Trades (3,0,0) 3 5 Compulsory
Definitions of Liner Trades: History of Liner trades, Liner ship types, Advent of Containerisation and Container types. Containerisation and Multimodal Transport. Intermodalism. Liner cargo. Cargo handling equipment and loading/discharging arrangements. Liner Shipping- management and organisations. Consortia, alliances & consolidation Liner freight and pricing. FCL-LCL-ICDs. Liner operators and cooperation among them. The bill of lading and other documentation. International conventions relating to B/L Other documentation in liner trades. The law and liner trades (legal aspects).
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
MTH281 Statistics I (3,0,0) 3 6 Compulsory
Frequency distributions and their graphs, measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion and skewness, basic concepts and rules of probability, probability distributions: Binomial, poisson, normal, and Chi-Square distributions, sampling concepts, sampling distributions.
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
EAS203 Accounting I (3,0,0) 3 6 Compulsory
A foundation for accounting practices and procedures. Accepted Accounting Principles and the standard accounting cycle. T-account, Recording the transactions.The examples will be given from various industry operations.
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
LAW251 Introduction to Law and Maritime Law (3,1,0) 3.5 6 Compulsory
Definition of law. The basic concepts of law. branches of law. Sources of law. Rights, obligations and responsibilities. Sources and main principles of rights, obligations and responsibilities.International law, basic concepts and definitions, practice and sanctions. Definition and classification of the Law of the Sea.Main principles and sources of maritime public law. The law of the sea. Flag and PSC Control. Maritime jurisdiction areas. Internal waters. Territorial seas. Contiguous zone. EEZ. Continental Shelf. High Seas and international disputes related to High Seas. Legal status of Turkish Straits. UN, IMO and other international organizations and their status. International and national rules regarding to marine pollution. Maritime Social Security Law. Maritime Security and ISPS.
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
NAV201 Navigation (3,0,0) 2.5 3 Compulsory
Definition and history of navigation, The Development of Nautical Instructions, The Earth, Its shape and Rotation, The difference of Latitudes and Longitudes. Symbols, and Abbreviations, Notice for mariners’ Chart and Corrections, Definitions of distance and direction, Nautical Publications and Specifications.
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
MMD209 Academic Reading and Writing Skills (2,0,0) 2 2 Compulsory
This course follows an intermediate to upper intermediate level of curriculum designed to enable skills of accessing and arranging the necessary information and to improve students’ writing and reading comprehension skills that they will need in their academic and professional lives. Paragraph organization, identifying and producing different types of paragraphs, stages of essay writing and organization are some of the topics that will be covered.
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
MMD206 Maritime Policy (3,0,0) 3 5 Compulsory
Introduction to Maritime Policy. General principles of Maritime Policy. Maritime Policy: Helsinki Convention. Territorial Seas and Contiguous Region. EU Maritime Policy / Common Fisheries Policy. ILO MARPOL. Blue growth policy o EU. Barcelona Convention. Sea pollution. Renewable Energy Policy at Sea. Maritime Charges Act. FoC
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
MMD208 Ship Sales and Purchase (3,0,0) 3 5 Compulsory
Introduction to Ship and Ship Types, Dry Cargo Ship Types, Tanker Ships, Ship Building, Classification Societies and Registration, The Sale and Purchase of Second Hands, Sale and Purchase Brokers, Sale and Purchase Contracts, Ship Finance , Ship Finance : Method of Payment, Scrap instead of Payment.
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
MMC204 Ports and Terminals (3,0,0) 3 4 Compulsory
Introduction to Ports and Terminal and their functions: What is a port, The port system, Types of ports. Port roles and Functions. Port Ownership and Administration different forms of ownership structure of ports. Port and terminal services and operations I. Definition and Classification of Services and Port operations rendered by Ports and performance indicators and Port users and Key stakeholders Ports vs. terminals, Definition of Terminal, Types of terminals. Port and terminal operations I, Port and terminal operations II. Terminal operations and Cargo handling equipment I. Cargo handling equipment II
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
MTH282 Statistics II 3-0-0 3 6 Compulsory
Summary of Discrete distributions, Summary of Continuous distributions, Descriptive statistics, Point Estimation, Interval Estimation and the Control Limit Theory, Inferences in the Mean and Variance of a distribution, Inferences on proportions, Comparing two means and two variances, Simple Linear Regression.
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
EAS204 Accounting II (3,0,0) 3 6 Compulsory
A foundation for accounting practices, the basis for making management decisions with the use of accounting information. Accounting theory. accounting methods and techniques necessary for business managers, for analysis, control and planning of their businesses. The examples  will be given from various industry operations.
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
MMD210 Academic Communication Skills (2,0,0) 2 2 Compulsory
Organization, identifying and producing different types of presentations, descriptive, narrative, persuasive and informative presentations and covering visual aids as well as research methods are some of the topics that will be covered.
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
MMD301 International Maritime Organisations (3,0,0) 3 4 Compulsory
Introduction to International Institutions. International Institutions in General.  Maritime Institutions in particular. International Rules Governing the Status & Use of Maritime Space International Rules Governing the Status & Use of Merchant  Ships. Concept of International Organisation, Historical developments of Initial International Organisations. Definition of International Maritime Organization – IMO. Functions and Organizational structure of IMO. Policy, Enforcement, and General Information about most important organizations. International Shipping Organizations: Ship Owners’ Organisations. Brokers’ and Agents’ Organisations.United Nations Organisations.Other Shipping related organisations.
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
MMD304 Marine Insurance (3,0,0) 3 4 Compulsory
Definition insurance, Introduction to Marine Insurance,  key aspects of hull and machinery, protection and indemnity, and charterer’s liability insurance.  Key principles of marine insurance, standard forms of marine insurance and related insurance documents.
 Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
CRG301 Cargo Handling and Operations I (2,2,0) 3 4 Compulsory
Dry cargoes, inspections and preparations of holds, segregation and separation of cargo,securing of cargoes, ventilation and control of sweat, deck cargo, refrigerated cargo, container,cargo handling, cargo handling equipment, cargo handling safety, deep tank cargoes, dangerous,hazardous, and harmfull cargoes, dangerous goods in packages, bulk cargo, bulk grain cargo, oil tanker piping and pumping arrangements, tanker arrangements, cargo piping tanks cleaning, slope tanks, clean ballast, dirty ballast, tanker safety,stowage and stability, calculations and cargo plan, draft, trim and stability
 Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
LAW351 Maritime Law I (3,0,0) 3 4 Compulsory
Comprehensive legal framework of the international law of the sea. Various maritime jurisdictional zones recognized in international law, principles relating to the territorial sea, archipelagic waters, international straits, contiguous zone, continental shelf, exclusive economic zone, high seas, and deep seabed. Resolution of competing claims to maritime areas and resources, and focuses on concerns arising from human use of the oceans, such as maritime security and piracy, exploitation of offshore resources, fisheries management, the conservation of marine biodiversity, and marine pollution.
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
EAS303 Managerial Accounting (3,0,0) 3 6 Compulsory
Accounting concepts and reporting techniques applied in a management decision-making context, Students analyze accounting data from real-world case studies and present their analysis, conclusions, and recommendations- models used by diverse enterprises in virtually all industrialized nations include cost accounting and the behavior of costs, budgeting, differential analysis, and responsibility accounting are examined. techniques involving the use of current spreadsheet and graphic presentation technology.
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
EAS310 Organisational Behaviour (3,0,0) 3 6 Compulsory
Introduction to Organizational Behavior. Individual Differences: Personality and Ability. Values, Attitudes, and Moods and Emotions. Perception, Attribution, and the Management of Diversity. Learning and Creativity. The Nature of Work Motivation. Creating a Motivating Work Setting. Leaders and Leadership

 Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
SWM201 Swimming (0,2,0) 1 2 Compulsory
In case of dangerous position, such as fire, go out of ship, the seafarers should leave the ship immediately therefore they have to know swimming. In this course the principles of swimming is learnt in a pool as application.
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
MMD302 Port Agency (3,0,0) 3 4 Compulsory
Ship Types, Ship certificates, Definition of Port Agent, how to appoint an agent, types of agents, The Agent and port authorities, The duties of the agent before arrival upon arrived and during in port of the vessel, SOF and LT calculation, Charter parties, The duty of the agent about voyage and time charter, The agent and shipping documents Incoterms, cargo handling terms, Liner agent, the duties and employement contract, International Conventions UNCLOS, 1982 and IMO Conventions, International Conventions of the carriage of Passengers by Sea, Registration and Ownership of Ships and Ship’s Certificates.
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
MMD308 Operational Management (3,0,0) 3 3 Compulsory
Introducing the Operations Management. The Service/Manufacturing Concept. Customer Relationship. Customer Satisfaction. Managing Supply Relationships. Operational Processes. Organizational People. Resource Utilization. Performance Management
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
MMD310 International Trade and Custom Procedures (3,2,0) 4 4 Compulsory
International trade theory: World Trade An overview. Definition of International trade, differences between domestic and nternational trade. Scope of Internstionsl trade: Theory and models. International Trading Environment : Foreign trade Entry Strategies. Terms of  Sales contract, procedure for export and import. Structure of International trade structure.Terms of Sales contact. CIGS (United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods) INCOTERMS. Documentation in International Trade. Import and export prucedures at ports. Role and functioning of the customs and the role of a customs agent.International Payment Methods.
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
EAS301 Financial Management I (3,0,0) 3 6 Compulsory
Introduction to Financial Management. Financial Planning and Analysis. Sources of Financing. Capitalization. Valuation. Working Capital. Working Capital Management. Accounts Receivable and Inventory Management. Capital Budgeting and Estimated Cash Flow. Long-term Financing. Dividend Policy. Leverage and business risk. Special Financing. Financial System.
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
EAS304 Principles of Marketing (3,0,0) 3 6 Compulsory
Company and Marketing Strategy Partnering to Build Customer Engagement, Value, and Relationships. Marketing Creating Customer Value and Engagement. Analyzing the Marketing Environment.   Understanding Consumer and Business Buyer Behavior. Customer Value-Driven Marketing Strategy Creating Value for Target Customers. Product, Services, and Brands Building Customer Value. Developing New Products and Managing the Product Life Cycle. Pricing Understanding and Capturing Customer Value.
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
EAS306 Money and Banking (3,0,0) 3 6 Compulsory
Why Study Money, Banking and Financial Markets? An Overview of the Financial System. What is Money? Understanding Interest Rates. An Economic Analyses of Financial Structure. Financial crises. Economic Analysis of Financial Regulation. Banking Industry: structure and competition. The Goals and Structure of Central Banks. The Conduct of Monetary Policy: Strategy and Tactics. International Financial Institutions.
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
MMC401 Chartering and Brokering I (3,0,0) 3 4 Compulsory
Different divisions of Shipping Business, Definition of Shipbroker, owner’s broker, charterers broker, independent broker, Duties of Broker during the practice of his profession, The Abbreviations used in Chartering Business, Types of Charter Parties and Particulars, Dry Cargo Voyage Chartering, Dry Cargo Time Chartering, Tanker Voyage Chartering, Tanker Time Chartering, Bare Boat Chartering, Most Commonly Used Charter Party Forms for Different Cargoes, Geography of Seaborn Trade.
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
MMC403 Maritime Economics (3,0,0) 3 3 Compulsory
Maritime Economics and Factors of Production of Transportation Services. Derived Demand for Shipping. Supply of Shipping. Price Mechanism. Competitive Markets in Shipping Industry. Non-Competitive Markets in Shipping Industry. Economics of Ports, Sea Canals and Waterways. Shipping Industry and Balance of Payment of a Country. Cost and Accounting of a Vessel, Budget Estimation and Cash Flow Estimation. Voyage estimating and Comparison of Different Voyages. New Building, S&P Scrapping and Chartering Markets
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
MMC405 Ships Office Correspondence & Comm. (3,0,0) 3 3 Compulsory
Shipping, Ship types.Ship building. Manning of ships. Cargo works and handling equipment. Maintenance of ships. Rope and types. Communication upon arrival of ship at the port, during import and during departure from the port (concerning berthing cargo operations, crew and passengers on board). Abbreviations and meanings used in shipping and communication. Registration of ships and certificates. Reading, listening and understanding of EMO standard vocabulary and phrases by support of CD.
 Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
LAW451 Maritime Law II (4,0,0) 4 4 Compulsory
Introduction to Maritime Private Law. Tort and contractual liability. Introduction to Maritime Law. Ship, registration, flag, seaworthiness.  Master, seafarers.  Duties, authorities and responsibilities of Master. Shipowner, despondent owner, rights and responsibilities of shipowner.  Shipping contracts.  Maritime casualties, collision, salvage, general average.  Maritime and contractual liens.  Civil liability and compensation for civil claims resulted from marine pollution.  Marine insurance, hull and machinery insurance, club insurance.
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
EAS401 International Business Management (3,0,0) 3 6 Compulsory
Regional And Global Strategy. The Multinational Enterprise. The Triad and International Business. International Politics. International Culture. International Trade. Multinational Strategy. Organizing Strategy. Production Strategy. Marketing Strategy. Human resource management strategy.
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
MMD491 Research Methods and Ethicity (3,0,0) 3 6 Compulsory
Introduction to Research Methods, Introduction to ethical and unethical behavior in the maritime industry and businesses, Basic ethical concepts in maritime businesses, ethical standards in maritime businesses and ethical practices in maritime businesses. Ethical difficulties encountered in the decision-making process of management and analysis of these difficulties.
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
MMD402 Port and Shipping Logistics (3,0,0) 3 3 Compulsory
Port types and Location. Port function and organization, port and berth performance indicator. Port marketing & Competition. Port Equipment. Terminals and types of terminal. Terminal Arrangements, Terminal facilities, Supply chain management, intermodal systems. Multimodal Transport and Through transport and logistics providers. Cargo handling equipment. Container handling equipments. Container handling systems.
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
MMD404 Containerisation and Intermodalising (3,0,0) 3 4 Compulsory
Introduction to The basic terms used for cargo carriage, cargo documents and preparation. Unitized cargos ( the containerization and paletization).  Transportation of grains. Transportation of agricultural and forest products. Transportation of coals. Transportation of fertilizers. Transportation of ferrous ores, minerals and metals. Transportation of Chemicals. Transportation of reefer cargos. Transportation of livestock and animal products. Transportation of vegetable oils and mineral oils
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
MMD494 Graduation  Project (0,4,0) 2 2 Compulsory
Graduation project, IX, who has earned the right to complete the undergraduate education, has a minimum GPA of 2.00 from all compulsory courses. It is a graduation project that is written as a result of a research activity carried out by students in an original, up-to-date theoretical and/or applied research subject to be determined under the guidance of the project advisor, in accordance with scientific ethics and reference rules.
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
MMC406 Chartering and Brokering II

(3,0,0) 3 4 Compulsory
Elements of Time Chartering. Duration, Delivery and Trading Limits. Owners and Time charterers Responsibility. On-Off hire surveys. Performance of the ship, Bankers and Consumption. Rate of hire/Redelivery and noticesHire and maner of payment. Sublet. Salvage and GA under time charter. War Cancellation and Ice Clauses  Stevedores Damage to the Ship. Stow aways and smaggling. Arbitration.
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
EAS408 International Economics (3,0,0) 3 6 Compulsory
International Economic Institutions. Absolute Advantage, Comparative Advantage and the Gains from Trade. Tariffs, Quotas and Arguments for Protection. International Trade and Labour. Balance of Payments. International Trade and Environmental Standards. The Global Pattern of Maritime Trade. International Financial Crises. The United States in the Global Economy. The European Union: Many Markets into One.Export-Oriented Growth in East Asia.
Course Code Course Name (T,A,L) Credit ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course
SAF214 Safety at Sea (3,0,0) 3 5 Compulsory
Survival techniques at sea. Location and usage of personal life saving appliances. Basic (elementary and medical) first aid. Personal safety and social responsibilities.